pls nooooooo

i found out about having adhd as an adult last year (and my reaction was more like oh ok i recognize that shit instead of « haha it’s me » while looking at a meme) and then right after that found out about people talking about it on the internet, and i realize the misconception around this is crazy, i talked to someone about the shit i do like playing video games while watching netflix and checking my phone 3 times a minute and she was like « ah yes that’s amazing i can do that to » like it was some sort of fun personnality trait, like « i too am a genius » and i had to explain like no u fool this isn’t cool, at all, i do this because if my brain isn’t stimulated every fuckin minute it switches off, i ain’t fully focused on either of the things i am doing i check my phone mechanically without any reason to the point where sometimes i’m mad at myself for it and i’m afraid if i only focus on one thing at a time i will get bored almost instantly, i have to rewind whatever i’m watching on the side every once in a while because i wasn’t paying attention, sometimes it takes me 2/3 tries because i rewind too much and while i wait for it to get to the part i missed i check my phone and then miss it again, usually at this point people stop saying it’s cool

/r/fakedisordercringe Thread Link -