Police: Woman killed by Arizona officer held scissors

FUCKING SCISSORS!? Do officers not carry nightsticks anymore? Why couldn't he just smack her over the fucking head? An unconscious person is still incapacitated, ffs. Maybe punch her? Twist her fucking arm, or something? Anything??...........NOPE, empty a third of a magazine into her instead.

I'm all for people being able to defend themselves, but scissors? Just hit the person, you fool! If he knew it was only scissors, and he still killed her anyway, he's a shitty cop, who shouldn't be armed. I mean, they had better have been some BIG ASS, SHARP MOTHERFUCKING SCISSORS, like the kind you cut ribbons with at a mall's grand opening, but sharpened on a wheel, and she must've been wielding those damn things like a greatsword or some shit.

I don't like conjecture, or speculation, usually, but I simply cannot fathom how someone couldn't defend themselves from scissors, without resorting to deadly force. Unless the cop was ambushed, and those damn things were up to his throat. This whole "cops killing people who don't need to die" shit is getting out of hand.

I was an infantryman for years.. I know a thing or two about escalation of force, use of deadly force, and when it's justified. I just cannot picture a realistic scenario where a cop would need to kill someone because they had scissors. I mean, was she about to use them to cut open a bag to get out her gun??

I feel like there's going to be a future article where someone will be shot five times because they threatened an officer with a screwdriver.

I know there's lots of good cops out there... C'mon guys... Police your own people, you fucksticks. They're giving you guys a bad reputation. Over these last few years, the media has severely degraded my trust in law-enforcement. I mean, we had idiots and lunatics in the army too. We made them sweep the floor, and in combat, we made sure they shot in the same direction as everyone else. You guys shouldn't even let those dudes on the street with firearms, and a badge. It fucks everyone.


/r/news Thread Link - bigstory.ap.org