Do you ever feel you're too smart to enjoy entry level and your ADHD just makes the problem a million times worse?

Ok. I did a long post where I encouraged the person, to use their adhd as a positive - maybe get out of the office, because they can be traps for people with hyperactivity. Plus using mindfulness. How I used it. My psychs website on mindfulness ( the laughing buddha ). The web links were two songs by a old got band, one called "someone keeps on bugging me" ) to be funny in their head when stupid people make them wish they were dead at their job, and "ignore that machine' anther oldie good goth song, which is really funny, and pretty much sums up working a dead end job. I linked with a really brilliant man who does some very intelligent commentary on the nature of identity, and how what you think in words, has a specific effect on your brain thereafter. I think he just really wanted simple solutions to pretty hard core issues. Or some simple , yeah that sucks. I posted all these e==because this guys ain issue is he says he is brilliant and too smart for stupid jobs that depress him. So I gave him my advice, to take or not- on what Ive done, as I was tested 3 points or so in 8th grade, yet worked absolutely crap jobs for 30 years. Oh, and I posted three links to aus uni sydney, of three people- who had terrible lives- but went on to succeed. One man was taken at 6 to be a soldier, escaped and became after being integrated, a lawyer for asylum seekers. The second, was a woman, who lost everything as a child in a hurricane, their lives were destitute- she went on to be this major art consultant. The third guy was a whizz as child , invented a solar car. He almost lost out on a contest for that same thing, in HS- but his team pulled thru at last minute and he went on to be employed by tesla co, and now is doing rocket science. So nothing really inflammatory. Just, too much for this poor guy. Im sorry for the whole thing now :(

/r/ADHD Thread Parent