Poll: Would you prefer to play DuoQ or SoloQ if you had the choice

Riotlyte is the type of person who gets a high paid job because he says what his company's board tells him to say. All companies have people who will do this. It's terrible but that's the world we live in. Facts don't matter for shit. Anyone who has ever communicated with any CEO or board knows that certain people are forced to say things that are either straight out lies, guesses, or misrepresented information. If they refuse to tell the public, other companies, or another part of the company the lie, guess, or misrepresented "fact" they will be fired or asked to step down. Almost every CEO takes advantage of this, or they are being taken advantage by this type of management. For example, the board has a certain budget for everything and every single thing goes like this. The CEO tells the manager of budgeted project that it has to be in lines with a budget presented by the board with certain specifications in a certain amount of time. The manager can not say no most of the time. Almost all managers will say no as often as they deem necessary because the things they are allowed to say no to they have to take advantage of for other tasks that are overwhelming their sector. Or in government work places they just usually jack off and nobody really cares because they are getting paid regardless. If he says no and the CEO or board demands "they need it" almost every project I've ever worked on as an engineer has had that said at least once. The person who communicates the information will just say "we really need ____" (whatever the manager says is impossible). That's how it works. The manager or who ever is getting told the specifications will usually know it is unlikely they will be able to meet this budget but they can be fired at the end of the project, and at least keep their job until the project is over or blame it on some bullshit thing.That's how it will work until things are more transparent. Until then people just blame things on all sorts of things and it happens over and over again. Whatever it is blamed on is fixed, fired, or sued.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread