Why is porn free?

It seems we will have to agree to disagree, especially if you are not willing to open your mind and reconsider your position and the possibility that I may have valid points and may have researched this for myself and perhaps its time for you to do so too.

FYI I am not religious and do not feel this way because I have been informed by others. If porn didn't exploit and degrade women, I'd have no issue with it. If it was in fact harmless, to each their own. Whatever puts lead in your pencil.

I used porn for over 20 years and fairly recently became aware of the dark side of pornography. Now that I am aware of the negative impacts I can no longer support or continue to watch porn, it would be immoral.

I wondered if I would miss it, but I don't. I am able to have a closer relationship with reality and enjoy a more connected, healthy and fulfilling sex life thanks to quitting.

Good luck and thanks.

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