Porn is killing my relationship and I need some ladies to talk some sense into me.

Honestly, the only reason I haven't is because I can't figure out how to approach the situation without admitting I snooped. Now, I am not afraid to admit this. I did something wrong and I will own up to it. The only reason I haven't is because I'm afraid that by doing so, the conversation will turn to that behavior and away from porn.

That being said, I agree with you. I would completely and totally understand if he was watching porn as a result of having a higher libido going unsatisfied. In fact, we both recently had a period where we were sick and unable to have sex for a week, and I didn't mind him watching porn during that time because I recognized that it was a placeholder for the time when we could not have sex.

But like you said, the issue here is him watching it regularly, and not as a masturbatory aid. But in order to ask him why he does this, I have to admit I snooped. In your personal opinion, if you found out your partner had looked at your internet history given the context of this situation, do you think you would be more upset by that, or more understanding about the issue they're bringing up? I guess that's a confusing way to phrase that question, but I'm wondering if my fiance is going to consider this a valid issue when I only know about it because of something I shouldn't have done.

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