Positive self-image thread!! Tell us the best compliment you've ever received/what you like most about yourself/things that you've conquered insecurity about and then post a picture!

This is me! I was really self-conscious in my teens. I've always had pretty terrible skin, still do, and the other kids used to pick on me. I remember this one time this kid was handing out tests for a teacher, and he put mine down and sneered "you should get some Proactiv." I've been sitting around with distant family when acne comes up, and my (generically gorgeous, clear-skinned) cousin turns to me and says, "no offense!" And my skins not even that bad. I just was a picker, big time. I was also really self-conscious of my nose for a long time- not gonna lie, I have a big nose! It's long, it's got big nostrils, and a considerable hook in it. I inherited from my father, with whom I have a strained relationship, so that's just a little spice on my life-cake. I really suffered a lot from these image issues, I've really put my mind and body through the ringer over this.

Anyways, I'm pretty confident now! I have my good days and my bad days. But I don't mind my skin anymore- it's really calmed down a lot. A spot or three doesn't phase me anymore, and I've become quite slick with makeup after covering them up all these years. I don't even bother wearing makeup to work, though I work in a cat shelter so I only really would if I was still insecure. It's to not have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to get pretty for the kitties. I've grown to appreciate my nose, too. It's definitely not a nose for everyone, but I feel it adds a unique air to my face, a bit of regality or class. It's distinctive- if I had a different nose, it might be lost on the rest of my face, which I feel has some fair features. Plus, I've got really poor eyesight, and the bump makes a perfect place for my glasses to rest. For a big nose, it's got a nice balance between defined and soft, to me. I was lucky to avoid body image issues, for the most part. Though, I have banana rolls and I still haven't accepted them yet.

I get the most compliments on my lips and my hair. The nicest compliment I've ever gotten was from my good friend. He said to me, "sometimes, when I look at you, I get a little dumb."

Man, that was refreshing!

/r/AskWomen Thread