[Post Game Thread] The Indiana Pacers (35-19) defeat the Los Angeles Lakers (27-27), 136-94.

The absurdity that more than 5% of any group of public figures (athletes, comedians, showrunners etc) that spend time on reddit or twitter would be able to exercise the self-control to not see what actual human beings are saying about you when it's just a click or a few keystrokes away.

These websites are designed to be addictive through social feedback. The formula of addictive website design + high pressure job + the human instinct to intake social feedback + dozens/hundreds/thousands of people talking about you... who tf could not check their name?

On top of that, everyone is supposed to pretend they don't, so they can't talk about it or actualize their online and public persona as real human beings who can see you. So it's pure bedlam.

Not always a bad thing--easier to give objective criticism. Easier to be a jerk, too.

/r/nba Thread Parent