Post Your Life Advice Here/ Tell Your Younger Self Advice

She doesn't love you, you fucking imbecile! Stop being a fucking pansy ass and get off the pity potty. You've wasted 4 fucking years in college pursuing a fucking degree that you are not passionate about. You should of went for an Accounting major and kept to it. Keep it up, you pathetic ass! When you turn 23, you will be a fat, miserable, pathetic, bald headed jackass. And just like the guy said before me, BE A JERK! Be ruthless! And stop giving a fuck about what others think. They aren't going to help you. They don't give a shit, your high school friends are nothing but back stabbers and they left you for dead. Why do you still talk to them. I'll let you in on some other advice, one of your closest 'friends' will drop you when he moves to another country. Why not drop all your friends now? This advice won't save you, you will keep this shit up until you turn 23 and realize that you wasted your life with petty bullshit. Now you are going to be in school until you are almost 30. Good luck finding a decent job while in college, you will have back problems in you're 30's. Dumbass!

/r/MGTOW Thread