Potentially a stupid question but height in law school/law as a career?

I'm not noticing the stature because I'm insecure. I grew up in an immigrant community in California where everyone around me was also Asian American. I was never the tallest guy in a room but also never the shortest. Now I go to a highly-ranked LAC in the Northeast and I'm becoming more cognizant of the predominantly white America that I had limited exposure to before college. At college, most of my suitemates are over 6 feet tall. It's new to me and I didn't know any lawyers growing up, so I wanted to ask if people had any experiences about being a shorter man of color in a predominantly WASPy profession.

If height isn't an issue in the field, that's great and the comments here seem to indicate that's the case. If these comments have any truth to them, then I guess my height will have the same effect on me in this field the same way it's affected me in dating, friendships, and campus leadership—no effect whatsoever.

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