Potion of clearance f*cked my game... :(

Just like skyrim before SDK/SKSE were released, the first mods are always done in two ways:

1- depackaging files that blaance the game, and repackaging those files with new info.

2- Graphical overlays.

I gave 15 as a random number. There is no "content" mod right now, and I can't wait for the content to come out!

I'm using:

  • Sweetfx graphical color overlay to have a higher draw distance and more to soften the ultra sharpness (high/none) don't do it for me, but ultra is obviously meant for 4k monitors.

  • Sense color customizer (my sis is colorblind, she can't see the red scent).

  • E3FX Graphical mod that aims to make the game look like the E3 trailer through color overlay and atmospheric layering.

  • 9000 weight.

  • Wealthy vendors, and fair prices (75% of original price)

  • XP gain multiplier (4 xp per monster, half xp per quest, you can customize to wtv you want).

  • Ultra gore mod - 100% dismemberment chance.

  • Diverse trophies - Adds some diversity to trophy stats.

  • Profile manager - So sis and I can play the game and only see our own save.

  • At least a full starting deck in all gwent decks(weak cards) to play with more versatility.

  • Disable intro and loading screens.

  • Instant sign casting - pressing 1,2,3,4,5 casts the sign instead of switching to it, allows for fast combat, I love this one.

  • Armor scaling. Scales the last upgrade of each armor so it's the most powerful in the game, with tons of mats required to make; in order to keep the sets relevant during endgame.

  • Switch ursine and griffin skin, to play griffin armor that looks cool like ursine.

-Cornered hud - Allows HUD to go to the edges of the screen; so I don't lose half an inch on each side.

/r/witcher Thread Parent Link - i.gyazo.com