Praise Lord Bernie! Death to progressivism!

When and where? I heard (and said) only the opposite during the campaign.

Campaign or primary? It's easy to change your mind when you're desperate.

Leave the party as you've threatened. Do so NOW. We're better off without you

Newsflash.... We don't need independent votes

We don't care who you vote for in the fall, since your lack of knowledge about the process indicates that you've likely never voted before anyway

Dig through the Facebook comments and newspaper comments from the primaries. Nothing but more of the same.

By the way, I would have voted for Bernie had he been the nominee.

Good for you. I decided I wasn't going to vote for Clinton long before I heard the name "Sanders".

DNC is just a convention.

Democratic National Committee.

Here it is in a sentence: Letter To DNC Voters And Fellow Democrats.

/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam Thread Parent