Predictably, Twitter is now banning anti feminists after they hire misandrist Anita Sarkeesian to police people

She largely doesn't qualify any of her statements or offer any solutions, so I'm not sure how you can draw that conclusion.

because her views are really basic and common, they're a dime a dozen all over the internet. If you don't know what she means by "toxic masculinity", literally just google the term. she isn't exactly inventing the wheel here, she's the most banal feminist imaginable.

and when she says the "patriarchy" she is in fact talking about the patriarchal society at large. She doesn't actually care who is the specific person in power. That's why they still believe in white privilege even after Obama became president, and that's why they would still believe we live in a patriarchal society if Hillary becomes president.

there is zero relationship between who is in power and whether or not the society is partiarchal (or privileging to white people) in anita's eyes.

her complaints about male gaze are a result of the fact that she hates sexuality. she also hates female sexuality, it really bothers her that catwoman has a beautiful ass.

but again, she thinks the male gaze is a result of toxic masculinity, she doesn't think it's a natural thing that guys do.

basically, she (very clearly) is okay with masculinity remaining, she just believes that certain "toxic" aspects of masculinity are promoted and need to be stopped.

i am actually amazed that i have to defend such a shitty person, but you're really going very far out of your way to misunderstand her. there is only a very small amount of empathy needed to see that her videos have no bad intention, and she just wants the world to be a better place. she's just fucking stupid, that's the only problem here. she doesn't hate men.

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