Presidential debate in /r/TumblrInAction over abortion and women's rights, climate change, and 'SocJus'

Fair enough. But in 2008 gay rights weren't even really on the table (holy shit, I just realized that was 7 years ago). And the Republican party line is against gay marriage, the closest most of them will get to supporting it is simply ignoring the issue as much as possible.

Are you sure? Jeb bush recently expressed otherwise, "But this week, Bush said people should accept court rulings that legalize same-sex marriage and “show respect” for gays in committed relationships, while reiterating his long-held belief that “marriage is a sacrament.”

He seems like the most viable candidate.


Well, I'll be honest, I think it's a retarded talking point, but I've seen democrats do the exact same thing with GMOs/Nuclear power. I had a college professor go on and on about how bad gmos are, and she didn't think the biology/agriculture department should have been allowed to research them at my school. She did get fired though.

Don't see what that has to do with Democrats specifically. The US as a whole is extremely Islamophobic, and if you look at the ideals and speech put forth by both parties it's clear which one is more afraid of people who aren't white and Christian.

What, I don't see how Islamaphobia contributes to alienating our sunni allies in the middle-east. It's obama's foreign policy that's making them think we're a weak and inconsistent ally. Reddit likes to pretend it's just Israel freaking out about Iran, but the gulf state leaders are going to camp david to talk about what this deal means for the middle-east, because they want to become transitional nuclear powers as well.

I think the disenfranchisement/distrust is best illustrated by the fact The United States was not aware Saudi Arabia/Sunni Alliance was going to attack the Houthis.

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