Pretty legit

1 And've talked to people who said that HxH is shit,ended up liking it.

I’m one of those people, but I really hated the ant arc and couldn’t finish it

2 I saw some clips from BnP and god i don't want to renember this

So it’s okay if you do it but not if I do it?

3 Hmm...How about a yes?I can't like cool powers or smart fights?Some stand powers are pretty mind-melting and thats a fact.


4 Exept for you did it,you said that because you watched first episodes and heard some guys talking about it,you assumed that Jojo is just a generic shounen(despite for fact that part 7 and 8 are seinen) and everybody who likes Jojo have shit taste

So do you think “the point of the show” means the genre? What the fuck?

Anyways, I called the powers shonen’y I think and if I called the whole show shonen trash then I’m wrong, evidently, but the former point still stands.

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