The price of trying to look like Kylie Jenner

When I was a stupid like 13 year old I sucked a cup to my face like over my mouth and suck all the air out? Held it like that because it tingled...... ended up with a massive circular bruise all around my mouth that looked absolutely fucking ridiculous. My Dad thought it was hilarious at the time while my mom was horrified. Of course I tried to stay away from anyone who knew me while this was healing but my parents were going to the driving range which I never do so i figured i'd hit balls away from everyone and avoid people. That night apparently my crush who changed schools and I hadn't seen in over a year happened to be there with her mom.

I've never wanted the ground to open up and swallow me to hell more than in that moment. I know this will be buried and no one will see it and that's probably a good thing...

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