Femcel due to race?

Nothing worse than being stuck in a backwater, which unfortunately describes much of the US. Your first priority should be getting out of that town ASAP. Start applying to colleges in California or New York. Focus on the large cities, because even in these states there are a lot of small-town troglodytes. The applications should be open now for next fall. Don’t worry about the logistics, just apply to as many as you can. These places are not ideal, especially these days, but they are miles above where you’re at now. It’s no surprise that your social skills are undeveloped, having lived among idiots for your entire life, but you can still bloom socially given the right environment. Don’t rely on hope or nebulous notions of one day getting out. You have to have the mindset that even one minute in an intolerable environment is one minute too many.

/r/Trufemcels Thread