private trackers / seedbox

Don't get me wrong, but I still have 0 clues what a bloody pence is mate.

Can you link to a wikipedia page? Or can you use agreed upon units of measurement? Please don't take it the wrong way, but throwing all those 3s and 6s around is not all that helpful unless you choose a unit of measurement other people can make sense of.

Now how the hell did you google "2p-3p/hr". When I googled "average electric usage", I find 7 snippets (!) that include the term watt.

I don't mean to pick a fight or anything, but you might very well be responding in Chinese right now, it would be as helpful.

The only thing I can respond to is that you conclude 3 buttons sound fine because your big PC uses 6-12 buttons. While it does seem intuitive, I have devices ranging from 3.5 W idle power consumption up to 300 W or more on high load. It does not have to be a factor of 2-4, there can be a factor of 100.

A 3.5 W host running 24/7 would cost about 10 bucks a year. Lots of hosts have a low TDP and run at around 20 W.

Obviously, you do not count the screen (why would you plan to keep the screen on 24/7 in a topic about comparing vs. a seedbox?!), ~ 50 W and bringing up a GPU (which is one of the components draining practically the most power) is equally pointless.

Your argument derails entirely when you are comparing it to your 12 buttons on your triple monitor set up.

A good and modern host costs 10-50 bucks a year to run (talking RPi2 up to NUC). If you are running a Windows PC with sufficient malware, it could drain 500+ bucks a year.

Edit... Just Googled average electric usage for desktop PC and 2p-3p/hr

Show me. Genuinely do, I want to find out more about this mysterious unit I am unable to google. (I am not being sarcastic, instead I find hippy units stupid to a cringe-worthy extent).

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