Pro-choice advocate 'accidentally' roundhouse kicks a pro-life leader

i am late to this post. people who agree with the violaters side of the aisle have a gut reaction to these type of posts that is hard to overcome (at least i do). i agree with his aisle.... what he did is wrong... but when i see posts like this i think "i feel this is being posted to demonize his position more than his actions, and i should downvote it".... at the same time when i see people i disagree with do this type of shit i think "lol, this is not necessarily representative of that aisle but that person is a pud ass pud".

idk if i have a point.... idk if i can honestly say i think either side ever posts these without an agenda. i just wanted to say that we need to fight the impulse to vote based on our fears. this guy is a pud. i voted based on that.

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