Pro-Imigration protestors confront Nancy Peloci at pro-DACA event

Let me preface this by saying I was born an American by the skin of my teeth my parent's were granted admission 3 months before I was born. I am not in anyway against immigration. I think it can be wonderful and I fucking love this country.

That said I don't think anyone who has already proven to give no fucks about the law and the legal ways to do things should be allowed to stay. They broke laws and ignored the system and hurt people trying to flee very real danger because they felt that somehow the system should not apply to them. If they were in actual danger they should have presented at the border like every one else. The legal immigration numbers are affected by the number of illegals America expects to come from your home country. You being selfish and entitled is literally hurting every one who did it right.

Do you have any idea how much bull shit "immigrants get special loans and a head start so you have it better than we do" I got?

Illegals are the whole problem in the immigration debate. If we had a 0 tolerance policy and illegal immigrants droped to next to nothing over night we could fast track the path to citizenship.

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