Look at that productivity vs compensation chart

Full disclosure - I'm going NDP. I don't trust Jag fully (although I do like him as a person), but they're the only party, in my mind, that could fix this shit.

I traditionally voted Liberal, with a goof vote for Green way back when I was selling weed (lol). Trudeau seems like an ok dude but the party fucked us by not abolishing FPTP as promised. So, bye bye Liberals in my mind.

I do not trust the NDP. They prolonged my Masters via the York Strike in 2008, just so we could all learn that the student union was siphoning off money. They delayed my life by 4 months with that bullshit. My lab, and my mice, were literally dying because of these idiots.

My hope is that the NDP stops with the woke shit and attacks real problems. The Libs failed me, I can't vote conservative because I have empathy for other humans, and the PPC is just a hilariously bad swastika badly spray painted on a wall.

It all sucks. Someone needs to fix it.

I'd run for office but it'd mean a big pay cut. Even MPs can't afford a house in Toronto.

/end rant

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