Proposed ordinance would give Louisville homeless camps 21-day notice before being cleared out

I'm neither of the "fuck the homeless let them rot" camp nor the "we should do everything we can to help them all" camp. The thing is, every homeless person has their own story, their own reasons, their own causes... some tragic, some self inflicted, some based on choices, some based on bad luck, some we will never know.

Some are people who have needed help since birth and didn't receive it, some made poor choices that landed them in their state, some may be lazy, and some just may not have the ability to better themselves.

All these vastly different stories coming together attempting to survive somehow. How do we truly deal with this? What is just telling them to "go away" going to accomplish? If they can't live here or there where are they supposed to go? How do you help those who truly need it without pouring tons of tax payer's dollars onto those who simply choose to not participate in society? How much am I supposed to be morally obligated to care about the wellbeing of those who have chosen their paths? And for those who have chosen, in some way, the life outside society, where exactly do we expect them to go?

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