PSA: Your skin is a direct representation of your internal health.

  1. I'm sure it's common sense for some, but your skin is the only part of you that shows.

Eyes? Fingernails? Hair? There are several parts that show on the outside.

There's no such thing as being fine on the inside and having bad skin.

Prove it. That's a bold claim. The thing is, most of the things we see as "bad skin" are not actually in any way harmful. Mild acne, dry skin, wrinkles, etc, are not in any way harmful to the body and thus are not affected by natural selection. We just happen to not like them and try to find a way to get rid of them. But there's nothing wrong with most people who post here.

Things like Acutane are actually just synthetic vitamin A (retynol kind, not carrot juice kind, it's animal vitamin A, not plant). That's diet.

No, it's not. Accutane is synthetic (well, tiny amounts are made naturally, but not enough to worry about) and has different effects from any type of vitamin A you normally eat. If you eat tons of vitamin A, you'll just get carotenosis, not necessarily clear skin.

Soaps and cremes and regiments are pretty much a scam. If you have acne, there's a problem inside your body, and no amount of soap/creme/regiment is going to help it.

Okay, an entire library of science and common sense disagrees with you here. Ask anyone who has actually used a well formulated skincare product or crack open a dermatology journal and you can see that this is nonsense.

Things like antibiotics (which are often prescribed for skin) just work by killing bacteria overgrowth in your stomach. Bacteria overgrowth that is caused by food that your body has trouble digesting.

This is just fractally wrong. As in, each layer you go down, you get to another wrong phrase that would take paragraphs to explain. I'm not sure where to start but just no. Acne causing species of bacteria have absolutely nothing to do with the gut microbiota at all. It's completely unrelated.

I think your post is well meaning but it doesn't make sense from any sort of biological standpoint.

Yes, skin problems can be caused by internal issues. Very dry skin can be hypothyroidism, for instance. But most minor acne and issues people have aren't really harmful or caused by any sort of deficiency.

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread