Psychic Reading for James Comey

Alright thanks for sharing.

You mentioned you follow "the" truth. I would say that every truth is true stemming from the one.

For example.

"Donald Trump is in alignment with falsities". True in one reality of course.

Have you heard the alternative? People such as David Wilcock elucidate a secretive alliance that is utilizing Trump to remove/fire certain "cabal" members that are linked to very unsavory corruption. All the actions he does in the world is to gain favor with them so that he can eventually out-game them and they don't have reason to assassinate him.

Interesting, positive outlook at what is happening on the world stage. But, besides the point because it still sees us as having to be "rescued" by a savior politician, so to speak anyways!

I would say, (my truth) is that the divine wants us to be our own leaders. Lights unto ourselves. Whoever is put into external """power""" over us is not at all qualified to do so. The only way we will make change is if we create a new organic relationship with each other where leaders aren't necessary, because we realize we are all sovereign individuals to begin with.

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