what was the most scarring thing from your childhood?

It's not that bad, but when I was like 6 or 7 I had a sort of "there are four lights" event with my dad. In the array of childhood trauma, it stands out for some reason and was really scarring to the point that I relate some of my adult behaviors and attitudes back to it.

He was on the computer in our home office one night, and I was in there chatting about something to him. He was not really paying attention to me. When I looked out through the window, I could see (what I realize was as an adult) a duplicate reflection of his monitor on the double paned windows. I said, "Oh cool! It's like double vision. WoOoooO." My dad immediately whipped around to face me and gruffly said "WHAT!"

So I tried to show him in the window- the two reflections of the monitor, but he couldn't see it from where he was in the room. "You'd better not be lying," he threatened as I tried to plead that he look and see the "double vision." I started getting scared instead of thinking it was cool, then he asked me to draw what I was seeing, so I tried to put it on paper.

S    C     R    E    E     N


He flipped! "You are a liar!" he boomed, slapping me, "What do you really see in the window?" I reiterated my original statement about the monitor. He looked like he was going to hit me again and I started to cry. He yelled for my mom, and told her what happened- he was working on the computer, and I kept annoying him then told a lie to make him think my eyes weren't working for attention.

My mom came up behind me and asked what happened, and I told her about the window "double vision" through my sniffles and pointed at the window. She barely glanced at the window for a split second then turned to my dad, "You know all kids at this age are liars." She grabbed me firmly by the arm and pulled me to my room. She said before she shut the door that I could stay in there until I learned to no longer be a liar.

/r/AskReddit Thread