
Real talk- starting a new job the current senior employees always talk shit. Do your work accurately && don’t do anymore work than what fits your job description hard workers are rare- anyone asks you to pick it up & do your work & theirs tell them to fuck off, if you demonstrate good work ethic- be prepared to be very clear that you are there to fully comply & work within your job description- you aren’t getting paid to do extra- don’t volunteer. Also! Very critical… daniel_headcade you are on point! Sleep is critical- I would personally not clock in rolling. Like maybe 1 toke- not fully high as fuck until… you feel comfortable with what your responsibilities are- who you’re working with & the vibes you get from them you gauge from day to day, then you’re the 6 months or so.. your coworkers have established a baseline for your behavior, mannerisms, & have spoke with you about generalities we all exchange with coworkers- name, age, goals, kids, etc. just really take it slow! You can’t go in a new mf place of business to work && first day geeked as fuck- they will know lol , common sense is critical- obviously your guard is up & you’re a little nervous cuz everything is new… don’t go spun out of your mind until you’re completely comfortable with the coworkers, customers & the boss. Slow your role && no one will know, bet. Be safe sweetie && congratulations on the new job.

/r/meth Thread