Public school lunch- try the grey stuff, it's delicious!

When I was in public school in the 80's and 90's I went to the worst schools in the district and lived in one of the worst neighborhoods. We happened to live just a few blocks away from the plant where school lunches were made. At that time school lunches were mass produced in factories, and came in a sort of aluminum foil container. The factory smelled awful and the lunches were dubious at best. There was no fresh fruit or vegetables to speak of since everything was steamed in the same container. So your steamed peas, your steamed mashed potatoes/dinner roll, and your steamed meat by product all tasted the same. Sometimes there would be some "dessert" steamed along with it, also flavorless. Occasionally we would get a free apple or something to go with our lunches, along with a free milk or chocolate milk.

I just remember how terrible those lunches were. How the factory reeked. How gross the mysterious grey meat was, how flavorless the vegetables were. And now... omg... just when you thought it couldn't get worse, it gets worse. They just don't give a fuck about kids in this country anymore. Fuck your kid and their education and future, let em starve or feed them slop you wouldn't feed to a pig.

Our standards for how we treat and educate our young people in this country have a reached a new fucking low. At a certain point we're all going to have to take responsibility for how bad we are all letting this get. If your children can't eat, they can't focus, if they can't focus, they can't be educated. If we don't care about our childrens education, we don't care about our countries future. We have to stop throwing them under the bus every time we want to build a fucking bomb. This is horrendous and rage inducing.

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