Quebec Premier Couillard addresses Ontario legislature, first premier to do so in over 50 years

Does he really have to spell it out for you? If so then here are a few examples, the Durham Report, the Acadians being deported the assimilation policies which denied French Canadians their right to an education (French being banned in Manitoba and the règlement 17 in Ontario for instance), the conscription crises, the air traffic controller crisis of 1976, the linguistic crisis in Manitoba in the 80s, the general resistance to any bilingual law (which is apparently still a thing), the Meech Lake Meltdown, etc.

French Canadians were treated as second class citizens for the longest time and most communities outside of Québec shrunk into nothing thanks to either assimilation policies or general indifference from the English (which still persists to this day considering the budgetary problems many French and immersion schools face out West). Do you not think that contributed to the isolationist attitude of Quebeckers?

There's also just the outright hatred that seems to be aimed at the French. It's not uncommon to see major publications push out pieces that have a 'questionable' tone to them which basically look down upon those poor stupid Quebeckers and how they're grinding away sweet delicious money. Hell, you're perpetuating that god-damned "Québec is a leech" argument that people love to bring up (all this despite Manitoba getting a comparable amount of money per head through the program but hey, let's not mention that). If you don't want us in then throw us out, it'll save us the trouble of having to organize another big tent sovereignist party.

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