Question about agreeing with your improv partner

You don’t have to do anything. It’s improv. UCB tends to use suicide examples of saying no to characters and improvisers. The problem is that most reasonable improvisers will agree that a dead scene partner is not going to be that much fun; but there’s a lot of gray if the stakes are lower.

One recent scene I had done was me telling my son that I’d love it if he was more social and start dating so he could find someone. His reaction was to display extreme anxiety to the point he was hiding behind his chair and wouldn’t even engage in a conversation. At that point, I just felt exhausted and that my character probably should just commit suicide. Why not? He disagreed with my choice so hard that even dialogue was a non starter. The rest of the scene felt like I was forcing him to do something, but I’m not sure even now what the right move should’ve been. Let three minutes pass with him silent behind a chair? Maybe. If he would’ve been just barely open to my first line of dialogue, we could’ve done so much more. Too many people think “I’ll do the opposite in the most extreme way and that’s what funny is!” when all they’ve done is trashed their partner’s basic want.

Some disagreement scenes can be hilarious, of course, but I find it’s so much easier to just agree and even share the same perspective and same physicality and that on average it seems to me to get more laughs, that I just roll with as much agreement as possible if I can.

/r/improv Thread