I have a question about why shares need to be bought. If they need to buy shares that don't even exist, why do they have to buy any of them?

Yes that's absolutely true. They have to buy back the shares legally. But every single share on the market? How many do they need to buy. Before it ends, bankruptcy? Clearing house bankruptcy? DTCC and insurance starts to cover? Government bailout?

It is going to end before the majority of that. A single share being held is not going to hold up the markets, or is that the exact problem?

Going back to my shares, we are predicating on the fact that they need every share, but my shares in a long term position would require 100s of thousands of dollars to get me to sell. The market will not care about this and it will end before they buy back those shares.

If my unsellable shares can be forgotten, where does it end?

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