Question for BP: What is so offensive about the Captain/First Mate marriage dynamic?

There's more to it than that.

I know, I added a bunch of stuff in an edit.

It's called "pushing someone else's buttons to see how they'll react." All human beings do it all the time.

Roissy says that a "shit test" isn't intentional, it's just a manifestation of a certain mood or reaction. It's not analogous to pranking someone at all. If men prank women, it's to entertain them, not to test them for their masculinity and adjust their attraction level to them as a result.

Why don't we make a PPD post "Do Men Shit Test?"

Go for it.

Perhaps I want to hear other opinions/interpretations and discuss the ideas?

Have you really found anything enlightening on PPD?

Do you have a super-science-y interpretation of my character based on that?

Yes, that you're a girly girl who really believes in things like true love, authenticity, the horizontal matching theory of the dating marketplace ("there's someone for everyone"), and that you're be especially offended by RP concepts and bio-determinism in general. Of course you posted that info yourself, and I inferred your digit ratio based on that. I'm in the PPD irc right now and I earlier asked all the women for their digit ratios; everyone had a masculine digit ratio, some of them very masculine, it was uncanny; AtlasB said hers wasn't masculine, but that her waist-to-hip ratio was very masculine, and women with masculine digit ratios are more accepting of hierarchical, bio-deterministic RP concepts. I said in an earlier post how some of the most sympathetic female cheerleaders of RP were lesbians and bi-sexual women with masculine digit ratios, a symptom of high prenatal testosterone levels.

I'd really like to know why you keep deleting your comments.

It's a long, boring story.

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