
I'll probably get downvoted but screw it, I'll answer:

  • No.

  • Sometimes. But then I stopped being a "nice guy" and it pretty much stopped. I actually hate that part of my life.

  • Depends on the subject. I guess they don't say "Menimist" but I have been called "sexist." I feel like it was pretty misplaced and literally just said to get me to be quiet.

  • I don't think women should weigh in on men's reproductive rights. Or women. Honestly I don't think it is anyone's damn business what someone does with their bodies.

  • I don't go out much but I did have to lie once or twice about having a gf. And I've brought up that fact when someone was making me uncomfortable.

  • I've never been asked this. I have been asked about month or so long gaps in employment. I'm expected to always have a job. I've been out of work for about a month and I know it is starting to look bad. If I have kids, I'm going to miss just as much of their lives as my dad missed mine. :-\

  • No. And this reaction would be bullshit.

  • See previous. That being said, men's fashion has been basically the same since... I don't know? Special occasion means I get to wear a black suit and tie or if I'm lucky... a grey one. Or maybe a dark blue one.

  • No. And I hate the way a lot of gamers treat women.

  • Yes. I think the problem with this question is that men are sexualized in a slightly different way then women. When was the last time you had a slightly frumpy chubby male guy who wasn't the slacker or best friend? If we want to be worth anything as a guy we have to have ripped sixpacks and be willing to die for strangers.

  • Yes. In my defense, I thought I looked good in booty shorts.

  • No. And those analogies are stupid.

  • Yes. All the time.

Does... does that work?

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