Quickie Shadows of Brimstone questions.

SoB at its core is a very simple game. You move and then either fight or search/explore. However, there are a few things that make the game appear quite complex:

  • Lots of bookkeeping. You have to have a piece of paper and a pen to track your gold, experience, injuries, mutations, your inventory, the skills you have chosen when you levelled up, etc. I found a simple app on appstore that helps me with this part of the game.

  • Combat, especially at first, can be confusing. You roll a certain number of die to see if you scored a hit. Then for every hit you scored, you roll another die to see how much damage every hit caused. Then, you check the monster's defense if that damage is enough to actually hurt it. As you can see, there is lots of die rolling. The combat especially gets very fiddly at high levels. Not only you get bunch of new gear and skills to keep track of, the monsters also get additional skills that you have to remember.

  • The game takes a lot of table space. There are like 10+ different decks. I scanned all the decks into cardwarden on ipad. That helped big time.

All in all, if you are ok with playing the game and also being the game master who keeps track of everything for your girlfriend, you might like this game. The game has beautiful components and tells a great story.

My wife also doesn't like very complex games. What made this game a keeper in my collection was: The first time we played, she got a head mutation that made her character two-headed. The effect was that every time you roll a 6 for movement, you wouldn't move because the heads would argue each other. She found that amusing, funny and wanted to keep playing.

/r/boardgames Thread