R&D Pack Promotion

I'll admit that Cryptic could've made the legit T6 23c Constitution more easily available, but still...talk about damned if you do, damned if you don't.


CRYPTIC: "Well, we have to work things out with CBS about that...we'll see."

PLAYERS: "MORE OUTRAGE!!!" rabble rabble harumph harumph


PLAYERS: "We still want our T6 TOS Connie!!! Yet more OUTRAGE!!! Oh, and uh, more RAGE about that Nagus ship business too, just for good measure."

CRYPTIC: "Hey, guess what! We worked it all out, and you can now get your T6 TOS Connie...AND the T6 D7 AND the T6 T'varo! Now they're just "Temporal ships", but hey, a rose by any other name, am I right? Anyway, all you have to do is buy the R&D packs for a chance to win..."

PLAYERS: collective shitting of rage-bricks and fart-noises of disbelief "UTTER OUTRAGE!!!!!!! Just put it on the C-store! How dare you make us...buy things...and stuff!?"

CRYPTIC: "But...all you gotta do is just buy the..."


Folks, you weren't going to get the ship for free and they sure as hell weren't going to just sell it on the C-store by itself; not right away, anyway. Maybe they will later, well after this promo is over, but for now...make your choice. How badly do you want it?

/r/sto Thread Link - arcgames.com