/r/asianamerican Career and School Discussion - April 11, 2016

This is probably something you hear a lot, but I have been let go a couple of times in the past two years, all for "performance/fit" reasons. I just feel like no matter how hard I try or what I do, I will never ever be good enough.

The weird thing is, I did pretty well in school and did everything that a typical South Asian was supposed to do (except for the whole majoring in journalism part.) I struggle with mental health issues, but I go to counseling regularly for that.

I've been trying to break into PR/public affairs for a while now, and it seems as though I'm not cut out for that field. I'm also quite politically inclined, so I'm starting a new job soon that revolves around registering new voters. I'm just worried that I'm going to end up fucking up that job too, just like all the other ones.

Idk where this question is going, but I'm just constantly stressed and wish I would just find my niche already. I'm burned out on the whole cycle of getting laid off, being forced by well-intentioned but clueless family members who want to constantly talk about and analyze what I'm doing wrong (as if I don't do that enough already), finding a new job, and then getting fired again six months later.

I am honestly seriously considering just working some shitty admin job for the rest of my life so I don't have to think about my "career" or other BS. it makes me really upset to think about, but I don't really know what else to do.

I don't know what went wrong or why I'm such a failure. Being Desi certainly doesn't help, since everyone else seems like such a high-flying achiever. I do care very deeply about doing something but I just want some stability and independence.

/r/asianamerican Thread