It's the /r/brisbane random discussion thread. 24/07/2015

Over-caffeinated due to the ever-so-common-in-/r/brisbane-sleep deprivation.

I'm an awkward mix of very stressed, nervous and excited about everything at the moment.

Work is fucking hectic at the moment and I've been put in some very full-on situations, but it's actually been good for getting of my feelings of complacency.

Boxing has been improving my fitness and self-esteem like never before. I've never pushed so hard and I'm really enjoying it. It's the best exercise I've ever done apart from surfing and the horizontal tango. I'm not doing it competitively and mostly classes with a bit of sparring, but it is so great.

On the music front, I'm very nervous because our band's drummer is back from Europe (guy from Osaka Punch, check out their Youtube channel, he is a fucking gun), and it's now time for us to jam as a full band and see if I'm up to par. TBH I don't feel up to par, as it's very technical music and way beyond my skill level (Dillinger Escape Plan style mathcore), but I am trying my damn hardest to push that up. Fingers crossed I make the cut.

And I am going on another date with this lady tonight. We have a stupid amount in common and get along really well. I'm just wary because she literally just came out of a bad relationship like 2 weeks ago and I do not want to be the rebound. So I'm trying to take it slow and cool, but I'm not that kinda guy haha.

Mental health wise, increasing my meds, doing meditation and just forcing myself to be more mindful that shitty negative thoughts are just that and not reflective of reality have really helped. My friend is going through very serious depression, so me coming out the other side has given me an opportunity to help him out now.

Today's music choices - a mix between slow, sludgy post-metal and balls-to-the-wall mathcore - all heavy. And I'm about to buy TesseracT tickets :)

Anyway - TL:DR; life is all topsy-turvy but things are going great overall. I hope everyone has a great weekend! /u/bolax, we need to catch up for a few pints with some fellow Redditors mate!

/r/brisbane Thread