/r/Catholicism Prayer Requests — Week of November 09, 2015

You are welcome.

Knee replacement recovery is usually really smooth, I'll pray she stays comfortable. I googled post op instructions from a different surgeon's website before so you'll know what to expect when she gets home.

General Post-Op Instructions:

To reduce pain and swelling, you should use ice and elevate the leg.

A pillow can be placed under the knee for the first few days.

Ice can be used 20 minutes on/20 minutes off for the first few days as well.

You should place a towel or cloth between the skin and ice to prevent skin injury.

The bandages on the knee can be removed after 2 days.

The tiny incisions are usually closed with absorbable sutures (will not need to be removed).

If there are steri-strips (small pieces of tape) covering the incisions, they will fall off on their own in about 7-10 days.

If there is fever >100.4, redness, or drainage from the incisions, call for follow up.

You can bear full weight and walk on the leg unless instructed otherwise by the surgeon.

Crutches are usually needed for several days after arthroscopic surgery. Sometimes the knee remains slightly painful and swollen for several days or weeks after a knee arthroscopy (depending on the particular procedure done). Patients can usually return to school when they are comfortable. Most patients will return after 3-4 days following a knee arthroscopy.

Sports, including gym, should be avoided until you are seen for your post-operative evaluation.

Your surgeon will determine when you should start physical therapy to rebuild the strength in your leg and knee. This could be immediately after surgery or several weeks later.
You will need to schedule a post-operative clinic visit with your surgeon about 10-14 days after surgery.

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