/r/iranian Cultural Exchange

I just want to say, I read that thread you linked and wow. You guys really do hate us. I was really enjoying this cultural exchange, I thought you guys were pretty swell (I would even say "We don't like your government, but we like you" but it doesn't seem like y'all would take that well). Fuck, I believed you guys when you repeatedly stated that all the "Death to America! Drive Israel into the sea!" was just political bombast. But then there's:

'This whole "we hate the American government, but we love the American people/culture" shit makes me sick to my stomach. What the hell is admirable about the American people/culture?'

'You'll always be the same Middle Eastern shit in their eyes.'

'Americans really are the most self-centered people on this planet... You have no idea how happy it makes me that the Iranians on this sub are fully aware that the US is an enemy to Iran.'

"The vast majority of them don't even know where Iran is on a map, let alone their own country. They wouldn't even know what an Iranian flag looks like... They are the enemy, simple as that.'

I thought this whole exchange was based on the assumption that whatever our two governments think of each other, we can still like and respect each other. But apparently that's a hated sentiment on your subreddit, and any Iranian who expresses even slight admiration for the West is a "cuckold", "pathetic" and "self-hating". I mean, if reddit is always composed of the younger and more liberal parts of a country and they despise us so much, what the hell does the rest of your country think of us? I know none of this was you, you spoke fairly and honestly about us in that thread, and I respect you for that, but fuck man. I wanted so bad to believe that you guys really didn't hate us or think we were all pieces of shit.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread Parent