r/OpenBible Launches Today - The new sub for Progressive Christian Bible Study

It's evidently not geared for me but I think these positions make it tricky to believe that Scripture is setting the agenda:

Please note that as a Progressive Christian sub, we are explicitly followers of Christ, as well as LGBTQ+ affirming, anti-racist, feminist, and egalitarian. Friends are very welcome to participate, no matter what you believe. But this is not the place for questioning or debating these positions (it’s not wrong to ask questions but there are many other subs that are overflowing with such posts already).

This one is interesting also.

There is a wide variety of legitimate disagreement within academic fields, but no one should disparage or dismiss science or critical scholarship as a whole. This includes any denial or contradiction of observable evidence (e.g. the doctrines of Biblical Inerrancy/Infallibility, or Young Earth Creationism), as well as no form of anti-intellectualism, or anti-science (e.g. anti-vax).

What happens when scholarship is in disagreement? I think the position you've taken on the infallibility of Scripture is problematic in particular. There's not a universal position on this.

Surely if we want to read Scripture one of the reasons for doing that is that it conveys God's Word to us.

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