Rachel seems to have followed in Andi's and Kaitlyn's footsteps for 'How to treat F2 post filming'

I definitely think Andi had reason to be angry with him, due to him basically stalking her and trying to force her to have a conversation she didn't want to have. She also had seen that plane video where he had shit-talked her and her fiancé. And finally, her slut-shamed her.

I think Kaitlyn probably had reason to be angry with him too. Nick's always been very calculated and devious. And I say this as someone who was a major Nick fan. Even now, he can't help but slip into interviews about the "extent of his relationship with Kaitlyn prior to the show". I think he gave tabloids stories, because they were so specific and lined up with social media that they had to be true and from a very close source. Kaitlyn was very gracious towards him in the beginning, it changed afterwards. And I do think she wrongly placed blame on him for the sex stuff and the slut-shaming, but I think more happened that we don't know.

I think the same is true for Peter. We do know that he's been constantly liking "Pachel 4ever!" posts since he got back, which gave Pachel fans false hope, and mean about Bryan. I think if an ex was doing that to me and my fiancé, I would find that disrespectful. I think that she didn't realize how toxic she and Peter were during filming because of her feelings and she sees that now and feels angry and embarrassed. She has her part in the dysfunction, but she's not that self-aware. Also, RS said that Peter was never going to get engaged and it's possible Rachel heard some stuff. I just think that sometimes viewers are too quick to say "omg, she's still in love with him" or something when there's so much we don't know.

/r/thebachelor Thread