Sam Harris Contradicts Himself on Race & Individualism

To enter the elevator because you need to prove that you're not racist is self-indulgent, DOESN'T treat the person in the elevator as an individual (a racial decision overrides intuitions of the individual), you're ASSUMING the default intuition is based in racism and not body language, gaze, smell, reaction, etc... a thousand other overriding factors. By not subjecting the INDIVIDUAL who is black to the same natural, rudimentary treatment that should be forwarded to all in equal opportunity means you are disqualifying that person from your trust through a caveat.

What's that caveat? "You're black. You don't have to earn my trust, I'm already coersed to extend my personal courtesies to you by society and my own volition plays no role."

And what is so striking about this to me is the fact that it seems many "leftists" don't realize that black people DO notice this rule. And isn't that cognitive omission in the same vain of racial ignorance that seems so easy to point out for the PC crowd?

No offense to you, but it is telling you see a contradiction here.

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