Random Daily Discussion Thread - March 26, 2020 at 09:15AM

Definitely need to be lifting heavier. I use low weight high rep when I’m trying to lean out. For areas such as my glutes, hamstring and back, I lift way heavier because I want those muscles to pop! Also don’t be afraid to eat healthy fats! If you don’t have that much of an appetite try to add superfoods into your diet like nuts, avocados, etc. eating at a deficit is good but if you eat too low of a deficit your body won’t produce the muscle gains that you want!!!

Last piece of advice, don’t make yourself so sore off of a workout that you can’t exercise for a few days. The key is to stay consistent with your weight training and the results will come! I try to train each muscle group every few days. Someone told me if you don’t use it, you lose it!

/r/india Thread