Rangel Introduces Bill to Abolish The Electoral College

In the wake of the recent US presidential election, I have decided to propose an economic endgame to the fall of Capitalism. People thrown under the bus by neoliberalism made a vote for nationalism and fascism, not seeing any other alternatives, nor recognizing it. The political left in the US is quite fragmented. Bernie Sanders and FDR style democratic socialism is clearly the way forward. But even that will be temporary. The underlying cause of the poor job market is automation. I hope to offer a decently well defined system of government to address the final outcome of automation in this paper.

When basic tasks such as farming, construction, and manufacturing become almost entirely automated we must absolutely move to a form of socialism or face the absolute breakdown of society. The question then becomes how do we separate basic necessities from the economic system we have. For one, we will need to abolish rent seeking entirely. Instead I propose we offer housing entitlements in the form of housing blocks. Each person will get one housing block per lifetime once they turn 18. People can then use these housing blocks for a parcel wherever there is approved vacant space. These parcels will be dependent in size upon where the person chooses to live. In a major city, this may be simply one apartment. In the suburbs, this maybe one house, in the country this may be many acres. Once every 5 years, a person or household may choose to exchange their block(s) for a different set elsewhere in the country that is unoccupied.

The portion of the economy that is more like what we have today will be governed by green dollars. Green dollars will be currency printed and managed by the central government. These green dollars will be awarded for civil service, education, scientific research, and arts. Peacekeepers, emergency workers, and certain healthcare professionals will not be able to be automated in any effective way. These people may even need to only work 1 or 2 days per week and will be entirely subsidized by the government. Qualified citizens(by education) may band together and receive funding for various kinds of scientific or engineering inquiry. This would also apply to largescale arts related projects such as movies or video games. Regular artists would be able to receive the supplies they need within reason. These activities would be checked for progress bi annually to avoid fraud. There would also be a significant payout to all members upon completion and based on the magnitude of the project. Entrepreneurship would largely be the same, with the exception that personal accumulation of wealth would be capped at the equivalent of what is currently one billion dollars. After this, the excess would go directly into the pockets of employees or the government. Additionally, voting and education will be compensated. With this model, runaway inflation of green dollars is inevitable and will need a currency recall and reprint once every ten years to deal with the ever increasing donominations that would be needed for cash transactions.

For food and transport costs, a separate currency would be created, let's call it red dollars. These would be uniform for every individual, be able to be rolled over, and be distributed monthly. These would only be able to be used for food items at or a below a certain resource intensity of production. To purchase more resource intensive food items, green dollars would need to be used. Monthly, citizens can plan out desired amounts of red dollar eligible foods and submit this to a centralized system to increase production of said foods.

Housing blocks would be able to be bought out by green dollars in voluntary transactions. This way, productive members of society would be able to have larger real estate holdings in locations that they want. They seller would be able to buy out someone else in turn or just pick up an unoccupied housing block. This would be separate from the previously mentioned five year exchange term. Similarly to housing, cars would be provisioned to everyone at a base uniform model that uses minimal resources while still being safe. Higher performance cars that might be more resource intensive would be available with entrepreneurship and green dollar spending.
To ensure any possible tyranny is prevented due to the capabilities of robots, safeguards would need to be in place. To begin with, the distribution of production centers must be uniform and based on population. Each sector would contribute an equal number of labor robots and military weapons. As to how large each of these sectors would be by population would remain to be determined by the capabilities of technology when society becomes this advanced. The House of Representatives should increase in number in tune with the increase of the general population, as should the Senate. Finally, the military must be made of an equal proportion of each state. Thusly can balance be maintained and no concentrated area may overrun the others.

In conclusion I hope that this maybe a basic framework to be built upon by experts in policy, tech, and economic areas of expertise. I have not addressed a transition process, because there are just too many factors at play there for any one person to come up with a very good framework. I would like as many people as possible to critique and improve upon these ideas.
/r/politics Thread Link - rangel.house.gov