What is the creepiest experience that has ever happened to you or somebody else? [serious] [NSFW]

This will be the first time sharing this story. Partially because I think there's a rational explanation for it acc it just escapes me, partially because I almost don't want to believe it happened.

Anyway, on with the story. I live in the Pacific Northwest. More specifically, North Washington. I live in a large city but my grandparents owned a little cabin in a small community down around Mt. Rainer. My family would visit often and it was an excellent summer time area with a country club that had a pool and golf course. Really relaxing and surrounded by mountains and wooded area. It was common for us to go hiking in the woods and be away from any civilization.

One year, when I was a wee little lad around 12 I would say, we (my dad, sister, and I) were up there for don't R&R which isn't uncommon. I would sleep on the couch which was a little unsettling because the living room was surrounded by bay windows. I mean this house is a fish bowl. The only place with privacy is the bathroom. Anyway, I'm sleeping on the couch and start to settle down enough to drift off to sleep. As I'm doing that open and close your eyes thing when you fall asleep, I notice something that wakes me up instantly.

Outside, in the dark, in a heavily wooded area, I see a giant mass walk from one end if the year to the other. When I say "yard" don't misrepresent this with a green grassy yard. This was a portion of woods with task trees and shrubs and bushes. This thing lumbers far enough away that I can't quite make out want it is in the dark. It was about 6 feet tall and just... hairy as fuck. I think it might be some dude but it's body structure is all wrong. And way to big and the torso was just not right. My second thought is bear. There are bears in these woods and they search for garbage so a bear on hind legs isn't too far off a stretch. But again, not the right proportions. I then think Bigfoot and almost laugh at myself. I still to this day DO NOT believe in Bigfoot but if there were something to convince me, thus thing would be it. Shit, I don't know, maybe it was a fucking gorilla or something, what it's doing in Washington, I wouldn't know. Maybe I was just having the midst vivid dream of my life?

This thing moves like it's big and lazy and like it's putting force behind each step, like trying to make the ground tremble, which if course it didn't. What scared me the most is that the room I was in was lit more than the outside. Not bright but like a very dim overhead. I don't know but it could have seen me. I was probably bright as day. Not to mention this room is surrounded by windows that are about as thick as a wine glass. I'm sure that if it so choose, it could have gone through those windows like they were nothing.

This was the first time since I was five that I sleep in my dad's room. Just curled up on the floor and almost cried. Good thing my dad is a deep sleeper add sites like a freight train. He woke me up in the morning and asked why I was on the floor. I told him and he of course didn't believe me. He said that the only thing that might be out there is bears and they're not getting in the house. I agreed so I didn't come off crazy ave I was forced to sleep out there again. I eventually did doze off, but not after many hours of terrified vigil.

Anyway, that's my story Reddit. Maybe u was to tired and it was a bear or crazy guy in the middle if the night, but at the time I would swear up and down that a Bigfoot-Esq "thing" was thundering around right outside our cabin. Thanks for reading.

TL;DR I saw Bigfoot

/r/AskReddit Thread