Rant: fuck the bar exam.

Although I can't entirely relate, I failed the bar exam once too so I know what that feels like and I wanted to send you some support. Hearing stuff like "you'll do better next time..." or that some famous person failed the bar too never made me feel better; if anything those comments made me feel worse.

You said T1, high 20's, mid-tier grades, and great work experience. Well, that clearly means you're capable of passing the bar. Sounds to me like you have more of a problem with the pressures of taking the exam, not that you're not able to remember law etc. I won't offer test-taking suggestions because you've probably heard it all before but I think your past experience really helps.

It's also great that you have a caring wife, you're able to see a therapist, and you have real life experience in the field. Stuff like having no sex life for now, your peers from high school are doing better than you; who gives a fuck about that. And your friends who are too busy for you now; they don't sound much like friends. Also, even if you were a practicing lawyer, there will always be people out there who will be getting laid more or making more money than you. One of my favorite stand up comics Greg Giraldo said Obama was around his age (at the time, RIP Giraldo) and that guy became President while after a show, he thought this beautiful woman was interested in him and gave him her card but it actually said "professional escort."

In terms of jobs for now, there are plenty of law-related ones that don't require you to pass the bar. Probably not the level that you want to be at but you can apply to all those other jobs when you do pass the bar. And even if you do, that doesn't guarantee success anyways.

I have problems too, everyone does. Life can be really depressing and there are plenty of times when things feel hopeless. At the end of the day though, what are we going to do? Kill ourselves? Nah.

/r/LawSchool Thread