Rant Wednesday

Same here brother. She cheated on me and I still took her back. A month passes by and she just texts me that I'm a changed man and left me. Basically took the high road and made sure she was breaking up with me. Started dating some tall, good looking dude. There I was in a strange town with no friends and my only friend/family just walked all over me. Spent 2 months almost killing myself with alcohol and stuff. Joined the gym back in Jan. 6 days a week. Lift till I can barely crawl out of the gym( I'm usually the last guy to leave before closing time). I come back to the same empty apartment every night, I sleep in the same empty bed and all that sad shit. But I'm already one of the buffer dudes at the gym. People ask for spots, middle age men envy me, chicks check me out and old men give me friendly advice on not overdoing things. All that pain and darkness from the breakup keeps me pushing everyday. There is some strangely enticing power and beauty to the darkness. Don't suffer my friend, embrace it. Use it. Grow through it. And it's fine to cry in the shower, even if it's everyday.

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