"Rape Stare" is it real or a something created on the internet for naive people to argue about?

Rape is when a person has sex with another person without their consent and against their will. That's what rape means, that's what rape is. Anyone who extrapolates rape to include all kinds of other things is minimizing rape. I reject any and all claims of having experienced rape by anyone who does this.

People who really have experienced rape do not readily strike up conversations with strangers on the sidewalk, train, bus or other inappropriate place. They do not conflate rape with staring, stalking, environmental degradation, nor do they insist that all men are rapists and all heterosexual sex, consensual or not constitutes rape. These are all examples of minimizing rape and if you do this, then you have never been raped and are not an ally of rape survivors. Patriarchal behavior like catcalling, staring, stalking, are important things that should be talked about and discouraged, but they are not rape and you're not doing those issues or rape any favors by conflating them.

Rape is now even being extrapolated to include things like environmental destruction! Yes, environmental destruction is important. But again, it isn't rape and it isn't going to be solved or addressed any better by insisting that it is.

I no longer participate in my local community of rape survivors because rape has become completely trivialized and belittled. I've met two people thus far who I invested quite a lot of time into who turned out to be rape survivor imposters. One woman I knew who constantly flaunted the fact that she was raped by confronting total strangers in public about rape turned out to be a liar. She told me that she had learned of being raped from some kind of quack hypnosis/regression therapy. After two sessions, she had learned that she had been raped by some unspecified person in some unspecified place at some unspecified time. In other words, her "therapist" knew that this woman was dying to have some rape story to correspond to her politics and giver her arguments in political arguments and implanted the idea in her head.

Another guy I knew for two years who was in a wheelchair turned out to be a fraud also. He claimed that he had been raped and would have panic attacks all the time. Each time he had a panic attack, I would go to his apartment or talk to him on the phone and he would relive the rape experience. And each time, the story would get more elaborate. It turns out he was a total hypochondriac! He could walk and he was never raped! He had muenchhauser's! He told these stories just so he could extract pity and sympathy from people.

So those two did it for me regarding talking about rape. And while it's tempting to equate what they did to me when I opened up my childhood of abuse to them as them "raping" my mind by lying to me and using me and other rape survivors, I don't do that. What they did was really rotten. But it wasn't rape. And neither is staring.

/r/Anarchism Thread