Raph Nader: Hillary Clinton Sugarcoating Her Disastrous Record - "The transformation of Hillary Clinton from a progressive young lawyer to a committed corporatist and militarist brings shame on the recent endorsement of her candidacy by the Congressional Black Caucus PAC."

Other than Social Justice issues, what separates Clinton from the republicans?

I understand for alot of people on the left, things like abortion, affirmative action, gun control, etc get them worked up and they are effectively single issue voters But to me these are issues I either don't care about, or am flatly against Clinton and her stated policies. To me these issues are nothing more than noise designed to hoodwink voters and ensure the system candidates are always elected.

When it comes to real policies I care about, like dismantelling the TPP and other trade agreements, raising taxes on the wealthy, investing in infrastructure and NASA, and actually attacking the Military Industrial Complex so that we stop wasting trillions on Halliburton and Lockheed Martin cronyism; on all these important issues Clinton walks lock step with the republicans. Her foreign policy is even worse. Clinton isn't Gore, Clinton will have a neocon Secretary of State who will be for bullshit wars, just like she was for Bush's Iraq War and help push the fabricated evidence on the American people when she knew it was bullshit. She was also for the intervention in Libya, as well as financing the groups that eventually founded ISIS (all part of a proxy conflict in Syria we have no reason to be involved in, but I guess it pisses off Russia). She has always been for neocon foreign policies and always will be.

I want to see the Clinton and neocon machine in general burn. If that means abortion becomes illegal, so be it. The neocons can't rely on my vote by waving the social justice flag anymore. Clinton is no different than any of the republicans on issues I care about, she has voted with them when it mattered and I know she will continue to do so. There is no way that woman is ever getting my vote.

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