Rate my portfolio

a metric fuck ton of research would say you're wrong

Let's see it.

There is little to no expectation of future profitability.

That is incorrect. It's not a hard concept.

These types of inefficiencies may happen with small caps or microcaps but not companies that are on cnbc every other day.

Appeal to authority fallacy.

This has nothing to do with appeal to authority.

I'm putting my trust in those professionals.


agg is a good safe Harbor but I prefer an intermediate index, something like BIV.

Thank you. I will look into these.

If you'd rather stick with low quality stop kidding yourself and go 100% stock. At least then we're being up front about the risk profile.

Somebody else mentioned JNK = SPY or something, maybe that was you. That's a good argument. I might get rid of JNK and go full SPY. I have enough hedging other places in my portfolio.

Protip: when people on reddit are making daily posts about stocks in a certain sector that sector is overhyped.

Protip: I don't care what you or reddit or cnbc thinks. And even if the sector is overhyped, I chose individual stocks for a reason. And that reason is not 'i like the tech sector'

Give me an honest evaluation and I'll point out where the holes are.

I did. Sum of the parts at YHOO. You proceeded to make an appeal to authority fallacy mixed with a little efficient market hypothesis tarding, and told me I'm wrong on that basis.

in six months to a year feel free to come back and tell me how good your portfolio of hyped tech stocks is doing.

So then you must be short the tech sector for quite a lot if you're certain it will crash in the next 6-12 months, right?

How hyped you think the sector is has nothing to do with why I've invested in it.

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