Rather than ask a psychiatrist (you know, those people who've dedicated a career to studying and diagnosing mental illnesses) let's just ask Tumblr.

Jumping on this blog specifically because it's a BPD blog that is clearly run by self diagnosed children.

I'm borderline - actually diagnosed, medicated, have-been-hospitalized borderline. I hate seeing people glamorizing BPD or using it as an excuse to be an over emotional, coddled, and overly sensitive asshole. I'll admit that some symptoms are relatively common among females, but I think these girls are just exaggerating their PMS symptoms. One of the biggest and most important characteristics needed for a PD diagnosis is 'significant impairments in self or interpersonal functioning', which many arm chair therapists just happen to overlook.

Just skimming through the blog, I see a handful of things that are okay/correct (like a post on borderlines picking up even the smallest change in behavior), but so many more are just posts trying to support their fantasy. This one in particular was the one that made me roll my eyes. Yes; my symptoms did get worse when I was diagnosed. This wasn't because I was 'expressing myself', it was because I obsessed over the diagnosis (something borderlines do - they obsess) until I essentially threw myself a pity-party of oh, boohoo, I'm broken. If you read a list of BPD symptoms and suddenly get 'worse' or start to develop said symptoms, you're doing it on purpose. Yeah, the disorder can get worse over time, as mine did which ultimately led to a diagnosis, but it usually gets much better once you get a label and treatment options.

This post also irks me, as it shows that they don't understand the classification system associated with personality disorders. ex. - Group B contains Narcissistic, Borderline, and Histrionic. The three of them have a few similar symptoms and it is not uncommon for them to overlap, but some symptoms also contradict each other. It doesn't mean you have all three disorders. I'm not doubting their co-morbidity, just the assumption that 'if I have one symptom, I have this disorder.'

tl;dr: I am actually crazy and am irritated these girls are trying to come off as so because they think it's cool.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - ficklewitchsupporter.tumblr.com